She Salt

With maturity comes wisdom and freedom to speak your mind. I am a lifelong yogi, reiki master, wife, mother, grandmother and entrepreneur. This podcast adds feminine flavor to every subject under the sun, from sexuality to out of body experiences. I have you covered.

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Creating Joy

Sunday May 05, 2024

Sunday May 05, 2024

Joy is something you choose to cultivate. It is in how you choose to see the world and the life you live. Lauren Pryor, a friend and powerful intuitive healer. Lauren and I share our thoughts on creating a joyful life. It isn't always easy but it is always a choice. 
Lauren Pryor is a Reiki Master/Teacher 
Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
200 hrs YTT
Certified Nutrition Therapist 
Intuitive Healer
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Embrace Your Desires

Sunday Dec 10, 2023

Sunday Dec 10, 2023

In this episode Leah Fox and I discuss how to bring more Eros energy into your everyday life. Eros is a deep connection to the pulsating joy of existence. It is having deep intimacy with yourself, your lover, and with life. When you can tap into the Eros you cannot help living in gratitude, joy, and even ecstasy. 
Show notes; exerts read during this podcast are from, The Radiant Sutras by Lorin Roche, PHD
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Sunday Oct 01, 2023

Living A Tantra Embodiment Life is a personal and surprisingly emotional podcast for me. I knew this training would be transformative for me however I didn't realize the healing that still needed to happen on my life. Spiritual paths are unique to each of us and when you find your path windows in your soul open revealing your true strength and beauty. Special thanks to my dear friend Leah Fox for co-hosting this episode. Stay tuned for more Tantra talks in the future. 
The course Cathy Lighton is currently enrolled in is InnerCamp link is below
These are the suggestions from Leah fox
For excellent reading or listening enjoyment I recommend 
Listen to The Secret of Secrets by Osho on Audible.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

In this episode I introduce you to Sarah Cummins. Sarah is owner of Waterfall Yoga Therapy and is a certified somatic yoga therapist, pain care yoga instructor, senior fitness specialist, certified personal trainer and yoga warrior trained to work with post traumatic stress, traumatic brain Injury, and amputees.  She specializes in helping people with chronic pain and illness get to the root of the problem and heal holistically from the inside out. Sarah offers in-person and virtual private and couples yoga therapy and wellness retreats on 20 acres in the hills of northeast Alabama featuring a natural waterfall. 
Website - www.waterfallyogallc.comFacebook - - Timer Meditations -

The Info On Lady Bits

Wednesday May 10, 2023

Wednesday May 10, 2023

My guest in this episode is Emily Willis. Emily is a CRNP-BC and has a masters degree in nursing she specializes in women's health and is the owner of Womb Space Healing Center.  She and I discuss what taking a more holistic approach to women's health care means. What options are available for ladies in the Huntsville area? Having options on your care is a privilege, take the time to ask yourself what works best for your body. Take ownership. 
#wombspacehealing #cathylightonyoga #emilywillis #womenshealth 

The Art Of Body Mapping

Wednesday May 03, 2023

Wednesday May 03, 2023

Leah Fox and I discuss our experience with artists David Nuttall. David's art canvas of choice is skin and how it mimics earthly terrain. David creates maps along the contours of the the human form. It is both beautiful and magical. Listen and learn more. 

The Making Of A Queen

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

In this episode I have a chat with J'Que Ellis. She is a force, self-made and is successful in her own right. She has created herself to be a Queen and a beautiful one at that. This podcast is a chat between two women doing their best to make a positive impact while making a living.  A great and uplifting conversation. 

The 7 Pillars of Self-Care

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

The are certain areas of who we are that need to be nurtured and made a priority for the good of all. Jessica Barnes, owner of Vous Salon-Retreat and I discuss how we fill our cup. To make yourself a priority is an act of kindness for everyone you love and come into contact with. 
#voussalonretreat #cathylightonyoga #selfcare #pampering #fillyourcup #nutureyourself #womenofpodcast #huntsvillesalon #huntsvilleretreat #huntsvillecolaboration

The Yogi Birthing Doula

Monday Mar 13, 2023

Monday Mar 13, 2023

Kaelie Harris is a woman who's life is dedicated to nurturing life. In this episode Kaelie speaks to us about her passion as birth doula and yogi. Her work is something women onced helped and coached one another through, before modern medicine made it taboo. However the use and acceptance of Doulas and Midwives is making a strong comeback. If you or your daughters are of childbearing years this is a great podcast to listen to and ponder. 
#breathelovebirthdoulaservices #kaelieharris #doula #midwife #holisticoptions #childbirth #shesaltpodcast #shesalt #cathylighton

Home Grown Gardens

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023

In this episode of She Salt, Natasha McCrary owner of 1818 Farms and master gardener shares her wisdom with me on how to get started on your own garden. With the cost of food today this is needed knowledge. Learn and grow.
#1818farms #growagarden #containergardening #shesaltpodcast #shesalt #homegrowngardens 

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